Frequently Asked Questions

Does the App require a long term commitment/user agreement?

No. We have options to accommodate month to month plans or front end commitment discounted contracts; whichever is most supportive of your business model.

Is employee data kept safe?

Safety is at the absolute forefront of our planning and creation process. That means physical, mental, emotional and data protection safety. Google analytics ensures that statistics are captured, but anonymity is protected.

What about employees who have zero interest in personal wellness?

Our gamification experts have worked creatively to ensure that our product is as enticing, simplistic, and rewarding as possible. If we all we do for a new user is get their attention on their own breath for 3 minutes a day, we are well on our way to user engagement.

How do our employees drive content?

The intelligent design of the app tracks the most popular modules for your user base. At the end of every session, one click allows the user to exit the session and steer content from a short menu of options for future sessions. Feedback is collated and then created and customized from a large resource library to deliver back to your users what they've asked for.

How will we know if it works?

Your employees will tell you. The App generates a user satisfaction statistic that comes back to the employer in aggregate on a monthly basis.